Visit to New Zealand with Kiwi Breeder Kathleen Brader, (MNZM). To the Waipoua Kauri Forest of the north and home of the Brown Kiwi. The history of Northland Kauri has been so amazingly featured in the Kauri Museum, acclaiming the Qualmark Environmental Award. The Kauri Museum is such a success story of preservation and tourism. In my opinion due to the years of commitment and work of retiring CEO Betty Nelly. The museum supports education and amazing research projects about Kauri.
Tane Mahatua is the largest Kauri tree in the Waipoua Forest, amazingly 4.4 metres in diameter at 18m high and the great old Te Matua Ngahere kauri estimated age 2,500 years. Last the tall Kauri named ‘The Four Sisters’, just 10 minutes walk from the entrance to this great forest. The forest invites many walks and places to stay are documented in the Department of conservation, DOC site. The forest so colourful with epipyhtes, ferns, and moss with much bird life.